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arrival & collection procedures

Arrival and Collection of Reception Pupils

The safety of the children in our care is of prime importance. Therefore, within our Reception Unit we have certain procedures in place for the arrival and collection of children at the end of a day.


Arrival of Reception pupils in the morning:

  • The school day commences at 8.45am

  • Pupils can be brought straight into the Reception unit via the Gruffalo and Elmer doors situated in the outdoor play area, these doors are opened from 8.35am

  • Following registration these doors and the Reception gates are then locked. Any pupil arriving after this time will have to enter school via the main office in order to receive their attendance mark


Collection of Reception pupils at the end of the school day:

  • The school day finishes at 3.15pm

  • At the end of the school day all Reception pupils will remain in the Reception unit supervised by a member of staff until they are collected

  • Parents/Carers are asked to wait in the foundation stage outdoor play area (outside the shutter area)

  • Pupils are signed out and handed over at the classroom door from 3.10pm

  • Pupils attending after school club will be collected from the unit by a member of our After School Club.

  • We require the names of at least two adults (over the age of 16 years) who are authorised to collect your child, and will be picking your child up on a regular basis. Please list these in writing on the Reception Authorise to Collect Form, along with your own memorable collection password. Parents/Carers s are asked to give the password only to the people they wish to collect their child. (Please ensure the names of parents are included on this list). Staff will ask adults for this password.

  • If someone other than one of the main named adults is collecting your child, we ask that you inform us when you bring your child to school – or by contacting the school office during the day. This person must provide your personal collection password when asked to do so and will not be permitted to take the child if they are unable to do so.

  • If there is any cause for concern or clarification, the parents/carers will be contacted before the child is released to anyone’s care


Uncollected child procedure

There are always the odd occasions when a parent/carer is held up, or an emergency occurs and they are not able to collect a child on time, due to circumstances beyond their control. We are sympathetic to the circumstances that may arise and will always seek to support families and provide a safe and secure environment for an uncollected child.


In the event of a parent/carer failing to collect a child the procedure set out below will be followed:


  • The pupil will be reassured and cared for by a familiar adult

  • All contact numbers for parents/carers will be repeatedly contacted and messages left

  • Further emergency contact numbers will be tried

  • If in the event of a child not being collected and following 5.00pm, Social Care and/or the police will be notified of a non-collection and the matter will be handed over to their care

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