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Assemblies & Collective Worship

Coming together as a school community is really important to us here at Avondale as this reinforces we are a ‘community’ school.


Each week we have an assembly theme that links in with one of our school values, this theme may also link in with events that are going on in the local, wider, national or international community too.


Assemblies are a time to come together and share our values. As reading is such a high priority here at Avondale most of our assemblies also include a story that links in with the theme too.




Monday - Whole School Collective Worship at 2:50pm

Tuesday - Talk Tuesdays in class

Wednesday - KS2 Collective Worship at 8:50am, Singing practice for KS1 at 2:50pm

Thursday   - KS1 Collective Worship at 8:50am, Singing practice for KS2 at 2:50pm

Friday - Whole School Celebration – parents welcome

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