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Bakers and Scientists in Reception! 🧁🔬
Today, we have made and baked our very own Gingerbread men with Mrs Martin and tested different liquids to see what would happen to The...
19 hours ago

Poetry by Heart
This half term there has been a buzz in school with every child from years 1-6 learning and performing a poem. They have learnt about...
1 day ago

A wonderful Stay and Play in Reception☀️
On Thursday, some of our wonderful grown-ups were able to join us for our Three Little Pig themed Stay and Play. We all had a fantastic...
5 days ago

We Can Measure!
Year 1 have enjoyed beginning to learn to measure and compare lengths in Maths. We used non-standard units to measure (cubes) and enjoyed...
Mrs Nuttall
5 days ago

Measuring In Maths
Year 1 have been using non standard units of measure to compare the sizes of objects in their class.
Miss Harrison
5 days ago

Breakfast Club Craft - Rabbit Portraits
This week at Breakfast Club, we have been making rabbit portraits. The children have done a wonderful job!
5 days ago

6C Visit The Imperial War Museum in Manchester
We enjoyed a day out at the Imperial War Museum in Manchester to link our recent learning on WW2 in our history lessons. We all had a...
6 days ago

Gardening club had a cracking time.
This week in gardening club we made faces on egg shells , then put soil inside them. After that, we got some cress seeds and put them on...
6 days ago

What a way to start the day!
Cross Country Club was in full swing this morning! Our children displayed energy, determination and resilience in bucket loads! Personal...
Mrs Duckett
6 days ago

Run, run as fast as you can! 🏃
We have had another surprise visitor in Reception! Can you guess who it was? Over the next couple of weeks, we will be linking our...
Mar 18

Lego We Do
5S are building LEGO models featuring working motors and sensors, they will program their models while developing their skills in...
Mrs Speakman
Mar 14

Yoga in Year 1
The children have been working on their balance and strength during our yoga lessons.
Miss Harrison
Mar 13

Time to garden
This Tuesday was the first of many dinner time get together for gardening club. Where 10 children from year 2, got the change to plant...
Mar 11

World Book Day-Gardeners and Seeds
Our Year 6 and Reception children enjoyed sharing a book together in the sunshine on World Book Day. The Reception children choose a...
Miss Johnson
Mar 11

A surprise visit from Mr Wolf! 🐺
This morning, Mr Wolf came into our classrooms and left lots of clues! We had to use our detective skills to find out who it was ! Can...
Mar 11

World Book Day in 5M
5M enjoyed their World Book Day activities and dressing in the clothes they like to read in.
Mrs Morgan
Mar 10

World Book Day in 1N!
We had a lovely day celebrating reading and particularly enjoyed creating our own Mr Man or Little Miss character.
Mrs Nuttall
Mar 7

Year 5 had lots of fun learning with some Microbits today. They created flashing hearts, scrolling names, composed some tunes and some...
Mrs Speakman
Mar 7

World Book Day in 1S
The children enjoyed listening to lots of stories yesterday, and sharing where they love to read. They also completed tasks linked to our...
Miss Harrison
Mar 7
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