Miss HarrisonJun 19Reward time3S managed to reach 4000 teams points so celebrated with an extended 'Golden Time' and ice lollies.
Mrs DuckettMay 8Mini PoliceThe MINI POLICE (accompanied by the BIG POLICE) were out in force today handing out leaflets they had created on their chosen project of...
matthewclegg2Mar 21Blackburn Rovers Players Visit Avondale📸 ⚽️ Today was fantastic welcoming Blackburn Rovers players Dom Hyam, Dom Biniek and Leo Duru into school. The players popped their...
Mrs NuttallMar 21End of Term Reward Time in 1NWhat a lovely start to our Thursday! We enjoyed playing golf as a reward for all the team points we have earned this term.
Miss HarrisonDec 20, 2023A Chocolate TreatYear 3 have been reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory so for their reward time they chose to watch the film in their PJS with...
benlaycockDec 13, 2023SNOWFIGHT! SNOWFIGHT!No panic needed it's all ok. 3L have today enjoyed a fantastic reward for their efforts and behaviour over the first term in KS2....
Miss HarrisonJul 20, 2023Year 3 Reward TimeYear 3 chose to have a party for reaching 4000 team points. They danced, played games and enjoyed snacks with their friends.
Miss HarrisonMay 12, 20233H Reward Time3H had a lovely afternoon celebrating achieving 4000 team points. They had ice lollies and played games outside.
kathrynlysonsFeb 24, 20232L reward time!We loved bringing in our own toys from home to share with our friends.
Miss HarrisonFeb 10, 20233H Reward Time3H opted for a PJ and film afternoon, with milkshake and biscuits!
Miss HarrisonDec 16, 2022Reward Time3H had a fantastic afternoon listening to Christmas songs, eating treats and playing some dancing games as part of their reward time.
Miss HarrisonOct 31, 2022Reward Time3H enjoyed their reward time at the end of the half term. They brought in their teddies, watched a film and enjoyed some popcorn.
allisonpickupOct 21, 20224P Reward time4P celebrated reward time today by watching a film and eating snacks whilst watching a film. Well done to you all! You have all settled...