kathrynlysonsNov 23, 2022Maths in Year 2We have been learning how to add numbers on a number line by making 10 first.
jenwormaldNov 16, 2022Money Matters in Year 55S and 5W spent yesterday afternoon learning how important it is to manage money responsibly. We talked about the different between...
Miss Johnson Nov 16, 2022Year 1/2 Times Tables Parent WorkshopYear 1 and 2 parents joined us in school this week to find out how they can support their children's learning their times tables facts at...
matthewclegg2Oct 13, 2022Squared and Cubed Numbers in Year 6Year 6 have been using the manipulatives to help consolidate their learning on squared and cubed numbers during their 'Power Maths'...
ARobinsonOct 7, 2022Another great week in ReceptionWe have created our own pirate treasure using salt dough, invented our own story titles linked to ' We're going on a treasure hut',...
ARobinsonSep 30, 2022What a week in Reception!We have had another fun-filled week in Reception. We have enjoyed our Power Maths lessons, creating our own story maps for 'We are going...
Miss Bolton Sep 29, 2022Maths in 1B We have been working with numbers up to 10 and have been comparing greater numbers with smaller numbers. Take a look at the children...
matthewclegg2Sep 28, 2022Maths in 6CPupils in 6C are really enjoying the Power Maths lessons and today utilised the manipulatives to help them when adding integers. This...
kathrynlysonsSep 28, 2022Place value in Year 2Today we used the arrow cards for finding two-digit numbers. We partitioned the numbers and put them in the part -part-whole model.
Miss HarrisonSep 15, 2022Power MathsYear 3 have been enjoying using our new 'Power Maths' workbooks. They have been exploring the place value of numbers and partitioning...