Mrs SpeakmanNov 1, 2022Weekly PodcastClick below to tune in to our weekly podcast from our Digital Leaders.
allisonpickupOct 20, 20224P Eco-councillor presentationsToday, we have listened to presentations for Eco-Councillors. They were all fantastic with lots of great ideas. The children have voted...
Mrs SpeakmanOct 14, 2022Poetry Performances in Year 5This term we have been learning and performing poems as part of our Oracy lessons. Here are some of our final performances.
marksharples6Oct 14, 20225S Science PresentationsThis week we have been researching the life-cycles of mammals and birds. We made google slideshows and presented our work to the class.
jenwormaldOct 11, 2022Oracy and poetry in 5WOur learning with Mr Simpsons has come to an end in Year 5. We have loved learning to recite poetry in a clear, engaging and entertaining...
Mrs SpeakmanOct 11, 2022Digital Leader PodcastsToday our Digital Leaders have been using Anchor FM to record the first episode of their new Podcast show. Click below to listen to...
Miss Bolton Oct 6, 2022Poem Year 1 have learnt a poem all about their 5 senses. They put actions to it too. #English #Poetryday #Year1 #1B
allisonpickupOct 5, 2022PoetryMatilda from year 5 visited our classroom today to perform a poem called ' My brother'. She performed using all of the oracy skills she...
allisonpickupOct 4, 2022The Digestive System in 4PToday, Mrs Pickup's English group have been acting out how the digestive system works. They will use this knowledge to write an...
Mrs SpeakmanOct 4, 2022BBC Radio LancashireA group of Year 5&6 children enjoyed a visit to BBC Radio Lancashire today. The children received a grand tour and had the opportunity...
allisonpickupSep 23, 20224P School Council4P have voted today for their class school councillor. Well done to the three children who presented their ideas to the class. Results...