Mrs SpeakmanApr 16Bronze AwardThe Inspiring Digital Enterprise Award, known as iDEA is an international award winning programme that helps you develop digital,...
Mrs NuttallSep 15, 2023A Super Second Week in 1NMarvellous Maths; keyboard skills; looking at changing seasons in geography; printing in art; the attendance award and CLASS OF THE WEEK!!
allisonpickupApr 20, 2023DebatingOn Wednesday, debating club competed against St Thomas' Primary School Blackburn. The motions for debate were: This house believes that...
allisonpickupMar 31, 2023Night lightsYear 4 have used Crumble to make night lights in DT. First, they looked at inventors of lights. Next they created their night light....
allisonpickupMar 29, 2023Crumble in year 4Today, we have used Crumble to create a light sequence for the night lights we are creating in DT. First, we set up the circuit using...