Mrs S BirchOct 14Year 3 netballYear 3 have really enjoyed their netball PE lessons this half term! On Friday, they applied all of their new skills and netball knowldge...
Mrs S BirchSep 27Year 3 football clubYear 3 have been enjoying their after school football club with Blackburn Rovers!
allisonpickupJul 16Reward time in 4P4P have enjoyed reward time this morning. They have taken part in sprinting, golf, archery and boxing. A great time was had by all. Well...
Mrs S BirchJun 20Year 5 roundersAnother great rounders session for our Year 5's - they even got some glorious sunshine too!
Mrs S BirchMar 7Netball training!Our netball team had a fantastic training session tonight. Shame the coaches couldn't find some of their enthusiasm! #worldbookdaynetball
marksharples6Dec 13, 20235S end of term reward timeAs a reward for their hard work and excellent behaviour this term, the children took part in some progressive sports in the shape of a...
benlaycockDec 13, 2023SNOWFIGHT! SNOWFIGHT!No panic needed it's all ok. 3L have today enjoyed a fantastic reward for their efforts and behaviour over the first term in KS2....
Mrs S BirchNov 30, 2023Year 5/6 netballAnother great netball training session last night! It's great to see our Avondale netballers become more confident and resilient each...
Mrs S BirchNov 29, 2023Sports CouncilSports council had a great meeting this week discussing their festive fitness plan to implement in school this half term! They have...
Mrs S BirchNov 29, 2023Year 2 danceYear 2 have been loving their dance lessons with Blackburn Rovers on a Monday night! They have learnt some super cool moves and have...
Mrs S BirchNov 23, 2023Year 6 fencing!Year 6 have been having a great time at their fencing club! They have learnt how to lunge, advancing and retreating and have shown great...
Mrs S BirchMar 30, 2023Netball finals!A huge well done to our two 5 - a side Avondale netball teams who competed in the finals last night. Avondale 1 finished 2nd place in...
Mrs S BirchMar 27, 2023Year 5 NerfwarsYear 5 have been loving their Nerfwars after school club this half term! They have been having so much fun as well as showing great...
Mrs S BirchMar 10, 2023Tennis in 4B!We are loving our tennis PE unit so far this half term! So far, we learnt how to perform a forehand and backhand shot and then applied...