Durham Road
01254 703449

1. How much is Dinner Money?
Please note the cost of weekly dinner money is £10.50
2. What time does school start and end?
The school day starts at 8:45am (although children are welcomed into school at 8:35am)
Lunch is between 12:00pm and 1:00pm
School finishes at 3:15pm
3. Where can I buy uniform?
Embroidered sweatshirts and polo shirts can be obtained by request from the Office.
If parents do opt to make their own arrangements to purchase the uniform the shades are white, bright red and light grey.
Click here to download an order form.
4. How do I make an application for a school place?
For details of our school’s admission policy please click here.
Usually children join Reception class in the September before their 5th birthday.
5. What should I do if my child is bullied?
Listen to your children and contact the school if you have any concerns. However, parents need to be aware that every disagreement that children have should not be labelled bullying. We rely upon the common sense of parents to discriminate between childish play and genuine nastiness. If you are in doubt, ask the school for advice.
6. Can I park at the school?
As we don't have extensive parking facilities please can you be considerate to our neighbours when parking.
7. What should I put in my child’s packed lunch?
Our school is committed to the healthy school standards and so we have a NO SWEETS and NO NUTS policy. All Foundation Stage and KS1 children are provided with a piece of fruit as part of the national fruit scheme. Pupils may also bring a piece of fruit from home.
If you wish to apply for FREE school meals please click here.
8. What do I do if my child has lost a piece of clothing?
Parents must either sew a name label into all clothing or write the child’s name in indelible ink. If an item goes missing your child must inform the class teacher and class teaching assistant and look in the lost property.
9. How can I find out more about school?
Avondale send out weekly electronic newsletters, you can also view them from our website. If you require a paper copy please ask at the office.
10. What is the best time to talk to the teacher if I have a question?
We would discourage parents from trying to talk to a teacher in the morning as they are busy preparing for the school day. Mrs Brown, Mrs Wright and Mrs Duckett are on the school yard every morning if a message needs to be urgently passed on. All class teachers are on the yard/at classroom doors at the end of the day and we would and we would advise you to them after all the children have been dismissed. We can also make appointments in the school office for parents to see the class teacher or another member of staff.
11. Is there before and after school provision?
Avondale School operate a breakfast club and After School Club provide after school care. Please click here for more information.
12. How can parents get involved?
We encourage parents to get involved in various ways from attending trips to individual reading.
We also have a PFTA, if you are interested in joining our dynamic team and want to give something back, or you have an idea for an event for students/parents then please do not hesitate to contact Matt @friendsofavondale@avondale.blackburn.sch.uk
13. How do I find out if the school is closed due to snow?
If we have to close the school texts will be sent to all staff and parents. Also please look at the school website. The local radio stations will have a list of all school closures.
14. What happens if my child has a medical appointment?
We encourage parents to book appointments for their child outside of school hours. However when this cannot be avoided a copy of their appointment card/letter must be provided to the school office.
You should find lots of information here on our website but if you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact us.