Durham Road
01254 703449

Remote Education
Support to keep children safe online
We are very lucky here at Avondale to have access to some super Online Learning Tools. These can be accessed via our school Intranet which the children are familiar with. We recommend using Google Chrome to access the sites.
Should a child be unable to come into school, work can be set up online so that your children can continue learning.
The two main platforms used for sharing work are our Purple Mash Blogs and Google Classroom. Your child or you will be able to comment on these should you have any problems or questions.
Your child should have received logins to their accounts but if you have any problems accessing these please fill in the form at the bottom of the page and we will get back to you asap. Thank you.
You will see all the instructions and work set for your child on the Class Blog.

Should your child need to comment on any of the posts or ask questions just click on the Title of the Blog Post and a comment box will appear.

Year 5 & 6 Instructions
Sign into your Google Classroom Account
Select your Class

The Stream tab is where you will find all the instructions and work set

The Classwork tab is where you will find any Google Classroom work that has been set
Any questions, just comment in the Stream and we will get back to you asap