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Click the icon above to see the National Curriculum document for Maths

Within Avondale School, Maths is taught primarily using Power Maths. Power Maths is a mastery based , whole-school primary Maths programme.  It uses a continuous and embedded approach to develop fluency, reasoning, and problem solving and is designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in Maths.  It is built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mindset approach to maths and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of Maths concepts. 


In Maths lessons, your child will:

  • be using engaging online textbooks to introduce new concepts in a highly scaffolded way.  

  • develop critical thinking skills, make mathematical connections and become confident mathematicians 

  • build on a concrete - pictorial - abstract approach, ensuring secure foundations and deep understanding of mathematical concepts 

  • develop Mathematical language through paired activities in which they will explain the mathematical concepts that they are using.  


Our curriculum is designed to develop children's broader understanding of Maths and prepare them fully for the end of Key Stage assessments and Maths beyond Avondale School.  Please use the web links above for online resources that children and parents can click on to support learning at home.


Avondale Maths Policy
Presentation for Parents
Purple Mash & Maths
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