Durham Road
01254 703449

Mini Police
Based in primary schools, Mini Police is a fun and interactive volunteering opportunity for 9 to 11-year-old children.

Police & Communities Together
Led by school staff and supported by police, children will learn about policing issues, staying safe and undertaking some volunteering activity in support of a local policing priority.
As well as benefitting the community, research highlights the benefits for the personal development of young people involved and the positive benefits this can have on their overall trust and confidence in the police.

Mini Police so far
•Years 5 and 6 pupils have applied to become Mini Police.
•The school have selected the students from their application.
•Neighbourhood Policing Team have visited the schools for introductions to the students, talking about values and skills required to be a Mini Police student and getting to know each other.
•The Mini Police have learnt First Aid giving them a good life skill.
•The Mini Police have learnt about all the police equipment that is used to help them with their job, including looking at the vehicles.
•9 schools have signed up to the Mini Police scheme.
•That’s 140 Mini Police!

Making Darwen a Safer Place
The Mini Police Students of Avondale Primary school have chosen to work on a community project looking at Knife Crime. They want to make Darwen safer place by asking people to surrender their knives.
Our Plan of Action – Summer Term
•April – Create flyers about knife crime.
•7th May – Mini Police deliver an assembly to year 5 and 6 about their project.
•8th May – Mini Police walk to Darwen Police Station in uniform and give out flyers about the dangers of knives and promoting the message of ‘surrender your knives’. The Police will also help give out flyers.
•8th May – Link to our school webpage to be sent out to all parents detailing the project.
•10th May – Mini Police to hand out leaflets on the yard at home time.
•Thursday PM - Singing mini police song during hymn practice.
•19th June – Final Mini Police Presentation
•12th June - Mini Police Fun Day at Bowley Campsite