Durham Road
01254 703449

Our Standards and Expectations
“Learning, smiling and remembering”
Our Non-Negotiables
At Avondale we are passionate about teaching and learning. We are committed to providing a personalised curriculum that meets the needs of all children from Reception to Year 6. Our school curriculum incorporates more than a list of curriculum subjects. Embedded throughout all our teaching and learning we have a set of non-negotiables – our expectations for all staff and pupils. We understand that a child's potential for learning is limitless and it is our responsibility as educators to unlock this potential. Avondale is a caring and supportive community, which helps develop pupil confidence and enables them to become better learners, both in school and in life.
For each subject area, you will find a curriculum map which identifies the content of the curriculum for that academic year. Additional Information about the curriculum can be found on the subject pages where you will also find a web link to many amazing sites. For any further information regarding the curriculum please contact Mrs Taylor, our curriculum lead.
Our teaching and learning non-negotiables are as follows:
Positive relationships amongst all
We will endeavour to uphold and sustain practices that foster the values of:
mutual respect and responsibility;
a commitment to co-operation, consideration, courtesy, care and
engagement in service to the community.
These principles support the development of high-quality interpersonal relationships between teachers, students, parents and staff.
Safe, language rich learning environment in which clear routines are established
Practitioners have a good understanding of child development and use effective strategies to promote every child's communication skills
Daily read aloud sessions (ERIC) which help pupils increase vocabulary, create a shared literary experience, evoke discussion, and model fluency
Class word walls - to help pupils make meaningful connections between words and concepts
Diverse school and classroom libraries
Class word of the day - these words and their meanings are viewed consistently while they are up
Practitioners engage in daily conversations with pupils - practicing the art of conversation Modelling skills like making eye contact, talking to and not at someone, appropriate responses, etc.
Practitioners speak to pupils like an adult - using correct words and terminology
Practitioners and pupils keep a clean and orderly classroom
Practitioners encourage pupils to be openly expressive and supportive to others
High expectations & challenge for all individuals, building on what the children already know
We will provide appropriate and stimulating differentiated tasks to ensure all pupils are stretched, challenged and supported
Pupils will be encouraged to develop a thirst for learning and show a clear willingness to extend themselves at every opportunity
We will set high expectations of how pupils should present their work and challenge work that does not meet these high expectations
We will clearly define and articulate learning objectives that demonstrate high academic expectations for all pupils in every lesson.
We will ensure that bespoke interventions are in place for target groups
Effective and timely feedback that promotes self-reflection and rapid learning
We will give precise and effective feedback and guidance so pupils know how to improve
We will make sure pupils have the opportunity to regularly act upon verbal and written feedback to close the learning loop e.g. dedicated improvement and reflection time
We will consistently provide written feedback to pupils in accordance with our subject area policy so pupils clearly know how to improve upon their work
Varied delivery (format and style)
Practitioners routinely plan engaging lessons that are matched to the needs of the pupils
Lessons will be delivered with a high sense of challenge, pace and purpose
We will give pupils appropriate time to time to embed knowledge, understanding & skills
High quality questioning and dialogue from adults and pupils
Practitioners understand that effective questioning is key because it makes thinking visible: it identifies prior knowledge; reasoning ability and pupil understanding – therefore it is the ultimate guide for formative progress
Practitioners use planned, systematic, targeted and skilled questioning to deepen pupils’ learning and assess understanding, along with other assessment for learning strategies
Practitioners give pupils opportunities to talk about and discuss what they are learning - extended answers, presentations or demonstrating their learning
Practitioners are highly trained and committed to supporting speech, language and communication skills
Pupil ownership of learning, which includes wow moments
Practitioners who are facilitators of learning and so give students the opportunity to take responsibility for their own learning
Practitioners who plan learning for their pupils that allowed them to make decisions and choices on their own learning activities, choose resources and create presentations
Practitioners who ask open-ended questions, with plenty of possible answers which lead to further questions
Practitioners model behaviours and attitudes that promote learning
Practitioners and pupils who ask for feedback
Resilient learners who take risks
Pupils who are absorbed in learning
Pupils who can manage distractions - recognising and reducing distractions
Developing skills that help pupils to cope and be able to deal with failure just as equally as success.
Pupils who persevere: keeping going on in the face of difficulties, channelling the energy of frustration productively