Durham Road
01254 703449

Pupil Wellbeing Co-ordinator/Deputy Designated Lead
Hi everyone my name is Deborah Wright, I have worked at Avondale School for nearly 20 years and have a grown-up family of 3, 2 boys and a girl.
During my time at Avondale School, I have had various roles in school and have enjoyed every one of them they have always involved supporting and enabling children with their families with whatever is needed. Life events happen to us all and it is important for school to be able to help and support in any way that we can without any judgement just support.
My door is always open and my school Mobile Number is 07513782963 ring, message or WhatsApp anytime.
I am duty every morning on the Junior yard so please come and talk to me if needed, working together is the way forward for children, families and school.
Parent Conflict issues.
Parenting Advice.
Loss and Bereavement.
Family or Childhood Illnesses.
Domestic Abuse.
Emotional health and well-being concerns.
Signposting and attending meetings with Parents.
Child Protection and Child in need issues.
Safeguarding in and out of school.
Family Liaison Officer
Hello everyone my name is Cheryl Braysford, I work at Avondale School and have either in a part time or full time role for the past 8 years during that time I have taken on extra responsibilities which are:
Attendance and Punctuality Issues
Working with families
Supporting children
Social Group Interventions
Taking part in drop in sessions for Parents
Facilitating groups for Parents and children
Useful Numbers
School Mobile 07513782963
Neighbourhood Police 01254 222135
Darwen Health Centre 01254 226691
Barbara Castle Way Centre 01254 617100
Wish Centre Blackburn 01254 260465
Inspire 01254 495014
Women's Centre 01254 583032
Food bank See Deborah or Cheryl
Childrens Services 01254 666400/587547
Wellbeing/Mental Health 08009154640

Useful Documents
Online Courses and Information for Parents