Durham Road
01254 703449

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Year Four
Welcome to Year 4
Important Information
For Autumn term 1, PE will be taught on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes. On these days, please send your child to school dressed in their full PE kit and remove any earrings if possible (plasters to cover are allowed).
Spelling lists will be added to the year 4 blog on a Friday and will be reviewed the following Friday. Maths homework will be set online on either My Maths or TT Rockstars to be completed by the following Friday.
Library day is on Wednesday for 4P and Friday for 4F. Please make sure your child brings their book back on this day.
Reading Books
Reading books need to be brought to school daily. They can be changed once your child has completed it and their diary has been signed. Before changing their book, they will complete a short online quiz about the book in school, to show their understanding. In addition, we encourage the children to read other material at home as well to increase their reading miles. Please read at least five times a week at home.
Year 4 News
Meet the Staff

Y4 Teacher

Year 4 Teacher