Durham Road
01254 703449

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Year Five
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Below are some of the staff that you might meet in Year 5. Come and chat to us. (We are not as scary as we look! Honest!)

Year 5 Teacher

Y5 Teacher

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Information for Y5 pupils
P.E- Monday and Tuesday for Class 5S and 5M are Monday and Thursdays.
PE kit is: black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, white t-shirt and either their school jumper or the Avondale P.E hoodies. Earrings should be removed if possible (plasters to cover allowed) and long hair tied up on these days before the children come to school.
Homework will be given out or posted online on Fridays and is due on Thursday of the following week.
The children will be expected to read, practise their spellings daily and complete a piece of Maths homework.
Reading Books are needed in school each day. When the children have finished a book and completed the quiz then they can change it for a new one. The children are expected to read five times a week as part of their homework.
Curriculum Maps